Saturday, July 7, 2012
Feather and Life
Summer vacation has been pretty relaxing and chill, and I've barely had the time to draw which is driving me insane. I was sitting in my room kinda upset with how people are nowadays and looked up at this feather that is hanging on my wall with dream catchers and more feathers. I must have been no more than 88 years old when I got this feather. I was swimming in the Susquehanna River with my uncle and sister. My uncle is so easy going and into nature, it's just perfect to be around. I saw this duck and really wanted a feather when I saw how when they swim or fly away they fall out. I continued yelling "I WANT A FEATHER, I WANT A FEATHER!" which unfortunately scared all the ducks away. When we were done swimming there was this man sitting at the edge of the water putting this wax covered string on the end of this beautiful white and deep amber color. He was this older man with white hair and laugh lines and wrinkles. This man made my day and I plan on keeping this feather for life just because he was such a kind man and only 9 years later, that is so hard to find. In the year 2012 we have to worry about taking things from strangers out of fear they might have put an airborne drug on it. Which is the exact thing that makes me not able to stand society.
Tuesday, May 29, 2012

Tuesday, May 22, 2012
iFri; Sight
What I did for Illustration Friday this week was binoculars. I'm still not done my editing with Adobe photoshop, but I originally just did a sketch of it.
Monday, May 14, 2012
iFri; Kernel.
For the word "Kernel" there isn't much you can do that doesn't involve popcorn. So I did the actual kernel popping into the popcorn. I used pencil and colored pencil and redid the type in Adobe Photoshop to make it go with the theme of popcorn more.
Friday, May 11, 2012
Thursday, May 10, 2012
OpaLLina thumbnails.
These are the ideas I came up with for the OpaLLina project. I like the thought of the over- exaggerated "O" to lead into the slogan, but I also sort of like the bottom left. Hopefully the client finds some of them useful! I involved the colors to add more of a mental image. The colors I was thinking was red, black, opal, and multicolored opal depending on the thumbnail. Also, having the "O" and double "L's" popped out for emphasis was an idea I came across as well as the "L's" being a diamond effect to combine with the Opal/ Pearl with the "O."
Monday, May 7, 2012
FINAL; Bikers for Babies
Almost Done Community Promotional
So I talked to Bikers for Babies and they said they'd rather the prominent text be what the actual event is called, so I switched that into it and am working on finding placement for "March of Dimes Foundation."
iFri; Hitched
For illustration friday I did a runaway bride. I know the person isn't wearing the classic white dress, but if I ever get married I know I wouldn't, and I'm definitely am not the only one. But anyways, I did the "bride" running away and trying to hitchhike. Whenever I think of hitchhiking I think of in the desert, which is why the clay color is the background. I used prisma markers, pen, and adobe photoshop.
Friday, May 4, 2012
Another idea for Bikers for Babies comparing
I changed the background color for this design because I think the orangey- yellow color grabbed more attention than the actual advertisement itself. Comparing the two, I think I like the green better.
Thursday, May 3, 2012
Another Choice for Bikers for Babies
This is another edit of my Bikers for Babies poster. I made the binky smaller and have more of a shape and gave the tire tracks texture to make them less painted like they originally were.
Wednesday, May 2, 2012
Real final
I decided to go through and redo the final manual of my project and add yellow, the complementary color of purple to clean up the background
Bikers for Babies 1
This is what I've done so far digitally with my bikers for babies campaign flyer. I'll probably go in more and do some more digital rendering because I'm really not satisfied with it yet.
Tuesday, May 1, 2012
Monday, April 30, 2012
iFri; Jump.
I really liked the theme "jump" because it reminded me of the circus and how the tightrope walker is always jumping around and doing daring stuff for the show but I thought of it as being in the middle of the city on a telephone wire because I thought it to be more scary of jumping around on it because it'd be higher. I like the manual look to this the best being mostly pen and ink and just wanted to make it look cloudy to show the altitude with Adobe Photoshop.
Wednesday, April 25, 2012
Monday, April 23, 2012
THUMBNAILS! bikers for babies.
These are my thumbnails for my March of Dimes Bikers for Babies event. I really want to either do a motorcycle with the ribbons that represent the organization coming off the handlebars, tire tracks, or a gas tank. I think I might be going with the gas tank because growing up I've always wanted to design one.
iFri; Heights.
This is my original for "heights." I had edited it to add color to the background and bring out the colors in the parachute, but I accidently overwrote it. When I redo the editing in Adobe Photoshop, I will also be posting that. But I chose this because so many people are afraid of heights and sky diving is on my bucket list, but whenever I get scared I think of this teddy bear I got when I was sick in the hospital when I was a baby and think of my grandmother. Whether its a bear or a blanket, everyone has something, usually from when they were little that they've had their whole lives that comforts them in almost every situation because it's like going back to childhood.
Friday, April 20, 2012
Creative Brief, Community Promotional
Madi Borror | Illustration Design | Spring 2012 | Creative Brief, Community Promotional
Overview: The event March of Dimes holds, Bikers for Babies, will be going on July- October across the country. "What if the hardest day of your life... Was your first?" Bikers for Babies is an organization that raises money for babies born under unfortunate circumstances like premature birth, birth defects, and to young teenage mothers. The money raised is put towards medical expenses that the family of these babies cannot afford to pay for.
Project Specs: A promotional poster (12"x18") will be designed and created due to the themes of babies and motorcycles coming together.
Goals: To make people of a new age group more aware of the foundation, what they stand for, and to act to save the lives of babies.
Deliverable: A donation of whatever can be raised by the time of the ride chosen.
Primary Target Audience: Any licensed motorcycle rider.
Creative Tone and Image: Manual and Digital work blending the innocence of sick children into a motorcycle.
Major Question to be asked and answered: What if the hardest day of your life was your first? Who is willing to give up a few hours and participate in a charity ride.
Process: Thumbnails to linear comp, to shading to gouache to digital rendering.
Competition: N/A.
Schedule: Deadline; April 30.
Overview: The event March of Dimes holds, Bikers for Babies, will be going on July- October across the country. "What if the hardest day of your life... Was your first?" Bikers for Babies is an organization that raises money for babies born under unfortunate circumstances like premature birth, birth defects, and to young teenage mothers. The money raised is put towards medical expenses that the family of these babies cannot afford to pay for.
Project Specs: A promotional poster (12"x18") will be designed and created due to the themes of babies and motorcycles coming together.
Goals: To make people of a new age group more aware of the foundation, what they stand for, and to act to save the lives of babies.
Deliverable: A donation of whatever can be raised by the time of the ride chosen.
Primary Target Audience: Any licensed motorcycle rider.
Creative Tone and Image: Manual and Digital work blending the innocence of sick children into a motorcycle.
Major Question to be asked and answered: What if the hardest day of your life was your first? Who is willing to give up a few hours and participate in a charity ride.
Process: Thumbnails to linear comp, to shading to gouache to digital rendering.
Competition: N/A.
Schedule: Deadline; April 30.
Wednesday, April 18, 2012
DESTRUCTION! mwahahahaha!
My process of this project was mostly manual. I used chalk pastel, oil pastel, acrylic, and conte. In the side you see the lightbulb falling with a quote on it and the quote finishes up on the coil. The top right is the inside of a lightbulb where the actual light comes from. When I examined it closer I was extremely surprised to find out that there are many different colors in with the filament. After putting my quote I felt as though broken concept still wasn't as filled out as I had wanted therefore, I thought back to how Olga used an overlay layer of the bark of a tree in her project and thought that she had an amazing idea with that put in broken glass which I got from this website,
Tuesday, April 17, 2012
illustration friday; Puzzled
Okay do you remember growing up and being short and not being able to reach things no matter how much you tried? Thats what I did for my illustration friday. I sketched it out in my sketchbook then used Photoshop to add the color.
Tuesday, April 10, 2012
iFri; Vocal
My idea for "vocal" was lungs and an old fashioned microphone because how much lung capacity you need to sing. And I'm a wee bit obsessed with organs because of growing up with my mom who used to work in a hospital. I used pen, pencil, and prisma markers and then upped the color intensity in the lungs and made the background color in adobe photoshop. I love the look of pen because it reminds me of "cartoons" or comics.
Monday, April 2, 2012
iFri; Return
When I saw the word return I automatically thought of how when people die, others say that theyre "going home." I thought of this because I was looking up sugar skulls because theyre so colorful, leading to the many colors in the wings. I edited with Adobe Photoshop to get a glow around the "angel" and to give her skin tone. I used pen, prisma markers, and then of course Adobe Photoshop.
Friday, March 30, 2012
Tim Burton Magazine Cover
I couldn't decide between the two Title colors because they bring out different styles in the cover, however I believe the darker was the better way to go because the trail it takes the eyes
Monday, March 26, 2012
I love toads, and theyre the first thing I think about when I hear the word swamp. So this is a toads eye.
Monday, March 19, 2012
iFri; Shades.
Whenever I hear the word "shades" I think of sunglasses, lampshades, and then that song starts in my brain thats all like "your true colors" lalalalala. So I did a girl halfway all girlyed up, and then her true nerdy self that is kinda sad that she feels she needs to hide herself, even though that's the more beautiful side to her. I plan on enhancing this with photoshop later on.
Monday, March 12, 2012
Illustration Friday; Yield.
Honestly, I have no idea what Yield means other than it is the yellow traffic sign that means "Watch Out" pretty much. So I went on and looked it up and one of the definitions was growing food. I realized that everything for this iFri would probably be around the same concept. I chose an apple to grow because my teacher said last week how cliche apples are and it kind of stuck in my head for a few days.
Wednesday, March 7, 2012
Monday, March 5, 2012
iFri; Intention.
The word was intention which automatically makes you think of people. People always try to one up each other and with that I thought how people say "bigger is better." However I disagree. I drew a giant mushroom, a little tree and a huge water drop. Bigger isn't better in this situation necessarily because mushrooms are made out of squishy instability, trees are naturally strong. One upping someone is dumb. It's your story vs their story; it's not intended to be better.
The original was pen and pencil and had two little quotes.
I photoshopped it and got rid of the messiness and made it cartoony looking. I still love cartoons. (:
The original was pen and pencil and had two little quotes.
I photoshopped it and got rid of the messiness and made it cartoony looking. I still love cartoons. (:
Thursday, March 1, 2012
Theme and Variaiton. Again. Again.
In this one I hid "Bottles" and "O-T-T-L-E-S" throughout it. I didn't include the "B" because it was already on an area I had painted.
Theme and Variation 3
I took one of my "finished" collaborations and put in a quote that reminds me of my godmother, "Age is just a number. It’s totally irrelevant unless, of couse, you happen to be a bottle of Wine." It makes me laugh because It sounds exactly like something she would say.
Poppin More Bottles!
This is the second edit to my theme and variation project. I love contrast and color as well as tiedye and goopy looking designs, so I tried to incorperate that into this specific one the most. I love the Top Left because of the liquified setting of the bottle.
Wednesday, February 29, 2012
Poppin Bottles!
For my theme and variation project I did bottles since they're just everywhere, and I have an obsession with old bottles. This is my first re- collaboration of my project.
Tuesday, February 28, 2012
Tuesday, February 21, 2012
Illustration Friday; Fluid.
So The Theme Was Fluid. I thought of bodily fluids. Naturally, when I think of bodily fluids I think of fluid in the lungs because I had RSV when I was a baby. I would have done that but I wasn't exactly sure of how to illustrate that, so I just did something really bloody. This does not reflect anything on me whatsoever.
Thursday, February 16, 2012
Tuesday, February 14, 2012
Popularity; iFri.
So I forgot my sketchbook in Baltimore over this weekend, being the reason this is a day late. But right when I heart "popularity," I thought of peanut butter. I was really hungry at the time and was going around telling people, "MAKE ME A SAMMICH!"
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