Friday, April 20, 2012

Creative Brief, Community Promotional

Madi Borror | Illustration Design | Spring 2012 | Creative Brief, Community Promotional

Overview: The event March of Dimes holds, Bikers for Babies, will be going on July- October across the country. "What if the hardest day of your life... Was your first?" Bikers for Babies is an organization that raises money for babies born under unfortunate circumstances like premature birth, birth defects, and to young teenage mothers. The money raised is put towards medical expenses that the family of these babies cannot afford to pay for.
Project Specs: A promotional poster (12"x18") will be designed and created due to the themes of babies and motorcycles coming together.
Goals: To make people of a new age group more aware of the foundation, what they stand for, and to act to save the lives of babies.
Deliverable: A donation of whatever can be raised by the time of the ride chosen.
Primary Target Audience: Any licensed motorcycle rider.
Creative Tone and Image: Manual and Digital work blending the innocence of sick children into a motorcycle.
Major Question to be asked and answered: What if the hardest day of your life was your first? Who is willing to give up a few hours and participate in a charity ride.
Process: Thumbnails to linear comp, to shading to gouache to digital rendering.
Competition: N/A.
Schedule: Deadline; April 30.

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